10 Best YouTube Channels for NDA Preparation 2024

This article will focus on the 10 Best YouTube Channels for NDA Preparation. The National Defence Academy (NDA) test is one of the foremost prestigious examinations in India, and it requires thorough preparation for subjects like Science, General Knowledge, and English.

Best YouTube Channels for NDA Preparation

YouTube has become a priceless asset for challengers, advertising-free, high-quality substance from educated preceptors.

Best YouTube Channels for NDA Preparation

Also, read the 10 Best YouTube Channels for GMAT Preparation.

Then are the 10 Top YouTube Channels for NDA Preparation in 2024, each giving intriguing perceptivity and study material to help you succeed.

List of Best YouTube Channels for NDA Preparation

1) World Affairs

World Affairs is one of the best number one YouTube channels for NDA Preparation. It is a YouTube channel committed to current occasions, common information, and universal relations, making it a perfect asset for NDA campaigners. The channel covers a wide extend of subjects, from worldwide legislative issues to defense news, which are vital for the General Knowledge member of the NDA test.

World Affairs

The recordings are well-delved, nitty gritty, and upgraded routinely, guaranteeing that aspirants remain educated in nearly the most recent advancements.

Given below is a personal experience that will satisfy the enlistment of this channel on the list of the best YouTube channels for NDA Preparation.

My friend found the World Affairs channel to be a game-changer for his General Knowledge planning. He conceded how the channel gives an in-depth compass of complex subjects, making it simpler to get the complications of worldwide occasions. The substance is displayed in an introductory and direct way, which makes a difference in his holding vital data. He credits this channel for moving forward his scores within the General Knowledge member of the NDA test.

Focus Areas General Knowledge, Current Affairs
Unique Features In-depth coverage of global events, simple explanations
Subscribers Count 3M+
Content-Type Daily Updates, Detailed Analysis

2) Neha Agrawal Mathematically Inclined

Neha Agrawal’s channel,” Mathematically Inclined,” is one of the best 2nd YouTube channels for NDA Preparation. It is a well-given choice among NDA aspirants who need to strengthen their mathematics foundation. Her teaching style is intriguing, joining fun and cinches in styles to explain indeed the foremost complicated generalities.

Neha Agrawal Mathematically Inclined

She centers on the’ why’ behind each preparation, guaranteeing that students get it the thinking instead of fair learning equations. Neha’s playlists are faultlessly organized by theme, making it simple for students to discover the substance they bear.

Given below is a personal experience that will satisfy the enlistment of this channel on the list of the best YouTube channels for NDA Preparation.

A friend of mine employed Neha Agrawal’s channel astronomically amid his NDA planning. He was especially inspired by how she made precarious numerical generalities available and indeed affable. The hone issues and correction sessions on her channel made a difference in him fortifying what he’d learned and performing superior in taunt tests. He continuously notices how her positive vitality and energy for instructing kept him propelled all through his thoughts about the trip.

Focus Areas Mathematics
Unique Features Fun and engaging teaching style, topic-wise playlists
Subscribers Count 2M+
Content-Type Topic-wise Lectures, Revision Sessions

3) Wifistudy Defence test

Wifistudy is one of the best 3rd YouTube channels for NDA Preparation. It is one of the biggest online instruction stages in India, and its Guard test channel is particularly tailored for NDA campaigners. The channel offers live classes, doubt-clearing sessions, and tease tests for NDA subjects.

Wifistudy Defence test

The intelligent nature of the classes and the availability of educated preceptors make it a well-given choice among students. The channel also gives current issues upgrades, which are vital for the General Information area.

Focus Areas NDA Subjects, Current Affairs, Live Classes
Unique Features Interactive live classes, regular doubt-clearing sessions
Subscribers Count 2M+
Content-Type Live Classes, Mock Tests, Current Affairs

4) SSB Crack Exams

SSB Crack Examinations is one of the best 4th YouTube channels for NDA Preparation. It is a one-stop preparation for NDA aspirants, flashing a mix of educational preparation and SSB meet direction. The channel highlights point-by-point addresses on Science, English, and General Knowledge, as well as recordings on SSB meet procedures, physical heartiness tips, and identity enhancement.

SSB Crack Exams

The organized courses and tease tests accessible on the channel offer backing to students to assess their advanced and fete zones for improvement.

Focus Areas NDA, CDS, SSB Interviews
Unique Features A mix of academic content and SSB preparation, mock tests
Subscribers Count 1.5M+
Content-Type Subject Lectures, Mock Tests, Interview Tips

Also, check the 10 Best YouTube Channels for JEE Preparation 2024.

5) CDS, AFCAT & CAPF Exam: BYJU’S exam Prep

BYJU’S exam Prep’s YouTube channel is one of the best 5th YouTube channels for NDA Preparation. It is a fabulous asset for NDA aspirants, centering on point-by-point planning for different defense examinations, including NDA, CDS, AFCAT, and CAPF. The channel offers subject-wise addresses, methodology sessions, current issues upgrades, and tease tests.

Byju's Exam-Prep

The substance is conveyed by educated preceptors who break down complex points into maintainable sections, making it simpler for students to get a handle on the fabric and perform well within the test.

Unique Features Experienced educators, strategy sessions, subject-wise breakdown
Subscribers Count 1.2M+
Content-Type Lectures, Strategy Sessions, Mock Tests

6) Arpit Choudhary

The next channel, on the list of the best YouTube channels for NDA Preparation is Arpit Choudhary’s YouTube channel, which is a treasure trove for NDA aspirants, particularly those battling computation. With a focus on rearranging complex numerical generalities, Arpit Choudhary gives well-structured addresses that feed both apprentices and progressed learners.

His problem-solving strategies, clear interpretations, and step-by-step approach make it less demanding for students to get a handle on worrisome themes. The channel also highlights live sessions, doubt-clearing classes, and topic-wise playlists, making it a comprehensive asset for NDA Maths planning.

Given below is a personal experience that will satisfy the enlistment of this channel on the list of the best YouTube channels for NDA Preparation.

I found Arpit Choudhary’s channel to be unimaginably accommodating during my NDA preparation. computation was continuously my weakest subject, but his recordings broke down the foremost worrisome issues in a sensible way. His way of instructing is cinched in, and I no way felt lost indeed when handling progressed issues. The live sessions were especially precious, as they permitted me to associate with other scholars and clarify my questions in real time. important obliged to his direction, I saw a critical advancement in my Maths scores.

Focus Areas Mathematics
Unique Features Step-by-step problem-solving, live doubt-clearing sessions
Subscribers Count 1M+
Content-Type Lectures, Live Sessions

7) Defence Direct Education

Defence Direct Education is committed to giving high-quality substance to defense test challengers. The channel offers in-depth addresses on NDA subjects, SSB meet tips and motivational recordings.

Defence Direct Education

The substance is planned to help students construct a solid establishment in educational subjects while also planning them for the physical and cerebral challenges of the NDA test.

Focus Areas NDA Subjects, SSB Interviews
Unique Features In-depth lectures, SSB tips, motivational content
Subscribers Count 1M+
Content-Type Detailed Lectures, Motivational Videos

8) Learn with Sumit

The next channel, on the list of the best YouTube channels for NDA Preparation is Learn with Sumit, a channel that gives comprehensive preparation fabric for the NDA test, with an uncommon emphasis on Common Ponders.

Sumit’s teaching style is methodical, and he breaks down complex subjects into painlessly comestible corridors. His recordings cover everything from Indian history to geomorphology and current issues, giving a strong establishment for the General Knowledge section of the NDA test.

Learn with Sumit

Given below is a personal experience that will satisfy the enlistment of this channel on the list of the best YouTube channels for NDA Preparation.

My friend found Learn with Sumit to be an important asset for his Common Thinks about preparation. He conceded how Sumit made indeed the foremost grueling points appear open. The way Sumit organized his substance, beginning from the rudiments and erecting up to further progressed generalities, made it simpler for my friend to get it and hold data. He regularly credits this channel for helping him score well within the General Knowledge area.

Focus Areas General Studies, Current Affairs
Unique Features Methodical teaching, comprehensive GS coverage
Subscribers Count 800K+
Content-Type Subject-wise Lectures, Current Affairs

9) Defence Squad

The second-last channel, on the list of the best YouTube channels for NDA Preparation, is Defence Squad, a comprehensive channel that covers all angles of NDA planning, from scholarly subjects to physical heartiness and SSB interviews.

Defence Squad

The channel offers subject-wise addresses, motivational substance, and tips for moving forward with physical continuance, making it a well-rounded asset for challengers. The recordings are brief and centered, giving abecedarian information without overwhelming the watcher.

Focus Areas NDA Subjects, Physical Fitness, SSB Interviews
Unique Features Coverage of academics and physical training-focused content
Subscribers Count 600K+
Content-Type Lectures, Physical Training Tips, SSB Prep

10) Defence Wallah

Last but not least, on the list of the best YouTube channels for NDA Preparation is Defence Wallah, a technical YouTube channel centered on giving direction and preparation procedures for defense examinations like NDA, CDS, and AFCAT. The channel offers a multifariousness of substance, including subject-wise addresses, motivational recordings, and test-specific methodologies.

Defence Wallah

Resistance Wallah’s recordings are brief and to the point, making a difference in students’ focus on what is most vital for their test medication. Given below is a personal experience that will satisfy the enlistment of this channel on the list of the best YouTube channels for NDA Preparation.

A friend of mine depended intensively on Resistance Wallah amid his NDA preparation. He found the test-specific procedures and subject-wise addresses especially precious. The motivational recordings on the channel also played a huge part in keeping him centered and decided to succeed. He regularly notices how the feasible tips and traps participated on the channel made a difference in him overseeing his time more viably amid the test.

Focus Areas NDA, CDS, AFCAT Strategies
Unique Features Concise exam-specific strategies, motivational content
Subscribers Count 500K+
Content-Type Strategy Sessions, Motivational Videos


In conclusion, these 10 YouTube channels give a comprehensive and open asset for NDA campaigners, covering all angles of the test from scholarly planning to physical heartiness and SSB interviews.

Whether you would like to support your wisdom aptitudes, remain upgraded on current undertakings, or get motivated, these channels offer the correct direction to help you negotiate palm in your NDA trip.