How to Calculate Your Score using GATE Response Sheet?

Since the GATE 2025 Response sheet is out on the official GOAPS portal, now it’s time How to Calculate Your Score using GATE Response Sheet. This article will give a complete guide on how students can calculate their scores with their response sheet, along with that what all are the important points that should be remembered by the students. Lets dive into this article to understand more.

How to Calculate Your Score using GATE Response Sheet?

How to Calculate Your Score Using GATE Response Sheet?

Each branch whether it is Chemical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, etc has a different level of difficulty for the GATE exam, which is administered across multiple sessions. The conducting authority uses a normalisation process-based GATE score calculating formula to address this discrepancy. Using the score calculation procedure, authorities normalise GATE marks (out of 100) into GATE scores (out of 1000), taking into account the relative performance of each candidate who took the test.

However, you can also use the solution key and response sheet PDF to determine your GATE scores before the results are announced. You must know that each GATE exam question is worth one or two marks to determine your GATE score. You can get your GATE scores from the response sheet by using the officially published answer key.

Since the Response sheet of the GATE 2025 Exam is already out, the students can check it here in the GATE 2025 Response Sheet.

Candidates who got their response sheet can compare their responses with the actual answer key. By doing this, they can get the total correct answers marked by them and total wrong answers marked by them. Once they get the total correct and wrong answers, then they can calculate the total marks.

Normalised GATE Marks and Actual GATE Marks

Certain GATE 2025 papers, like CE (Civil Engineering) and ME (Mechanical Engineering), has been administered across several sessions. Sessions also vary in terms of difficulty. Score normalisation is done to determine the GATE scores for these papers from several sessions.

About Gate Marks

  • For 65 questions, GATE marks are computed as a percentage of 100.
  • In the GATE paper, one or two marks are given for each right response.
  • For every wrong response in multiple-choice questions, one-third or two-thirds of the possible points are subtracted.
  • No points are subtracted from the total for NATs and MSQs.

GATE Marking Scheme 2025

Sections 1 – Mark Questions 2 – Marks Questions Total Marks
General Aptitude 5 5 (5 × 1) + (5 × 2) = 15
Core Discipline 25 30 (25 × 1) + (30 × 2) = 85
Total 30 35 100

GATE Negative Marking 2025

Type of Question Asked in GATE Exam 2025 1 Mark Questions 2 Marks Questions
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 1/3 mark 2/3 mark
Multiple Select Questions (MSQs) No negative marking No negative marking
Numerical Answer Type (NATs) No negative marking No negative marking

GATE Marks Normalised

  • The technique of normalising GATE marks was developed by the authorities to ensure that all applicants are treated equally. The following sections have discussed the formula and its interpretation.
  • The formula is used to transform the obtained raw marks into normalised marks.
  • It is assumed that “in all multi-session GATE papers, the distribution of abilities of candidates is the same across all the sessions” when GATE normalisation is carried out.

Calculating Your GATE Score

The GATE Score for single session papers is calculated solely using the real GATE Marks. In contrast, the GATE score calculation for multiple session papers uses both the actual/raw marks and the normalised scores.

The following formula is used to calculate GATE scores:

GATE Score Formula


  • M: GATE scores (actual scores for papers in a single session and normalised scores for papers in several sessions)
  • Mq: GATE paper qualifying scores for candidates in the general category
  • Mt: The average score of candidates who took the GATE, either in the top 0.1% or the top 10 (whichever is higher) (in case of multi-session papers encompassing all sessions).
  • Mq is given a score of 350, while Mt is given a score of 900.

GATE Eligibility Criteria

The GATE exam’s qualifying scores (out of 100) varied for each category. The tabular format for the same is provided below.

GATE Qualifying Marks

Category Qualifying Marks (Out of 100)
General Category (Gen) 25 or μ + σ, whichever is higher*
Other Backward Classes (OBC) 90% of the general category’s qualifying mark
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) 2/3 (i.e., 66.67%) of the general category’s qualifying mark

NOTE: In the General Category, σ is the standard deviation and μ is the mean of the scores earned by each applicant who took that specific exam.

GATE Cutoff 2025

GATE The cutoff is determined by the candidates’ scores.

  • Following each round of CCMT counselling, the cutoff for NITs is announced as the opening and closing rank, but the respective participating IITs issue their own cutoff list.
  • It should be mentioned, nevertheless, that some of these schools depend admission on GATE scores.
  • Candidates must research the targeted institution and learn about their selection procedure.
  • The GATE Cutoff will be announced by IISc Bangalore following the exam’s end. The following variables will determine the cutoff.
    • The total number of applicants for the paper
    • The degree of difficulty of GATE
    • Total number of seats available
    • The applicant’s category for admission

FAQs on How to Calculate Your Score Using GATE Response Sheet

What is the aim of the GATE Score Calculation?

The ability to determine expected scores prior to the announcement of the exam results is provided by the GATE Score Calculation. A candidate can use GATE College Predictor to simply forecast their score and the institution where they can be admitted with the aid of score calculation.

After calculating my GATE score, is it possible to forecast the universities I would be admitted to?

Indeed, you may use your score projections to determine which universities will accept you for an M.Tech program based on your GATE results. After receiving your results, you can utilise CoachingDaddy’s unique GATE College Predictor to obtain a list of universities that, depending on your anticipated score, may extend an admission offer. Although the College Predictor will obviously not give you the exact outcome, you can still obtain a respectable result for the anticipated colleges with a reasonable degree of accuracy.

What information is needed to determine the expected score for the GATE score calculation?

Only the real or raw GATE marks are needed to calculate the GATE score for papers that were taken in a single slot. However, both the actual/raw marks and the normalised scores are needed for the GATE score calculation.